Senin, 07 Februari 2011

foto Unik... pesawat melintasi BULAN.. wahh

Photographer captures the moment a passenger plane flies across the Moon. Seorang Fotografer berhasil menangkap momen sebuah pesawat penumpang terbang melintasi Bulan. Fotografer Christopher Tomas berhasil menangkap gambar sebuah pesawat penumpang yang sedang terbang melintasi bulan.

Gambar teknis yang sangat sulit ini diambil pada kisaran Blackbutt di Queensland, Australia di mana dia tinggal. Dia mengamati pesawat terbang melintas udara selama berbulan bulan sebelum ia berhasil mendapatkan tembakan fotonya pada tanggal 16 September kemarin. “Setiap hari Qantas Dash 8 Q400 terbang melintasi negara kita, selalu tepat pukul 17:30. Saya telah menyaksikan hal ini kala pesawat itu terbang “melalui” bulan beberapa kali.

Photographer captures the moment a passenger plane flies across the Moon, Snap shot: The technically tricky image was taken on the Blackbutt range in Queensland, Australia where the photographer has a property, Momen Langka!! Foto Spektakuler saat Pesawat Penumpang Melintasi Bulan karya Christopher Tomas

‘The moon was at the “right” phase, approximately in line with the plane’s flight path, so I quickly set up gear – I have done this drill quite a few times!. ‘I saw the plane a long way off and thought “no-its not going to hit”, so I stayed beside the scope just in case. ‘Then as it got closer I could see it was going to line up!. ‘My palms started to sweat, as I only wanted to pull the trigger when I knew the plane was in the centre of the moon. I got my wish!’

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