Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

wanita dengan rambut terpanjang

Just an Ordinary Russian Woman

Except for one thing…

Tatiana Pismennaya, 43, lives in Volgograd and works at the mustard factory. What is exceptional about her is the hair which is 2 m 70 cm (8.8 ft.) long. Tatiana washes her hair once in three weeks. It takes 4 hours to wash these gorgeous locks and 6 to 12 hours to dry them. Several times she wanted to cut her braid off, but first it was the parents and then the husband and children who insisted on not doing it.
1Just an Ordinary Russian Woman
2Just an Ordinary Russian Woman
3Just an Ordinary Russian Woman
4Just an Ordinary Russian Woman
5Just an Ordinary Russian Woman
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