Senin, 22 November 2010

cara menggambar super KREATIF

human-printer (1)

As explained on the site, The Human Printer assumes the role of the machine and is therefore controlled and restricted by the process of using CMYK halftone created on the computer. The site even goes as far as to list other Human Printer "models," providing a short description of each one's particular printing style and character traits.

You have to give credit to these guys for their huge patience.

human-printer (3)

human-printer (6)

human-printer (6)

human-printer (7)

human-printer (2)

human-printer (2)

human-printer (3)

human-printer (4)

human-printer (5)

======================================================================== ==============BERIKAN APRESIASI ANDA DENGAN MENGKLIK "SUKA"============== ========================================================================


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