Minggu, 22 November 2009



My special Valenf gift 4 u:
1. Loooong kiss
2. Warm hug
3. Bright smiles
4. A heart full a luv
5. Chocolate
Get it soon until midnight!!
Happy Valent darlin'..

Hadiah spesial Valenf utkmu:
1. Ciuman yg lamaaaa
2. Pelukan hangat
3. Senyum tulus
4. Hati penuh cinta
5. Chocolate
Dapatkan segera hingga tengah mlmnanti!!
Met Valent' sayangku...

It taken 3 words 2 say ‘ I LOVE U'
3 minutes 2 explain
3 hours 2 demonstrate
3 days 2 appreciate
But it takes a lifetime 2 prove it
Be my Valent' pliz?

Dibthkan 3 kata utk ucapkan 'AKU CINTA KAMU'
3 menit utk m'jelaskan
3 jam utk m'peragakan
3 hari utk memahaminya
Tp bth wkt seumur hidup utk buktikan
Kumohon jdlah Valen'ku?

Life is 4 living, I live mine 4 U
Love is 4 giving, I give mine 2 U
Dreams r' 4 dreaming, I give all mine 4 dreaming U
Hearts r' 4 beating n' mine beats 4U
Happy Valent's day honey!

Hidup demi kehidupan & kujalani hidupku utkmu
Cinta utk member! & kuberikan milikku padamu
Impian utk memimpikan & kuper-sembahkan semua mimpiku utkmu
Jantung hati utk berdegup & kuberikan degup jantungku utkmu
Met hari Valent' sayangku!

I feel so lonely now that u r' gone
Even though I never had u 2 begin with...
I feel the bond that exists between us
A wonderful Valent' if u here beside me

When I see u, u take 20% of my life
When u talk, u take 50% of my heart
When u smile, u take the whole part of my life
especially my heart
So..pliz be my Valent'..

Bila aku memandangmu,
kau bawa 20% hidupku
Bila kau berbicara,
kau bawa 50% hatiku
Bila kau t'senyum,
kau bawa semua hidupku
terutama hatiku
Kumohon jdlah Valent'ku...

When I wake up, I see u
When I look down, I see u
When I need a lending hand, I see u
When I know there's nothin else in this world,
I think of u Happy valent honey, I luv u!

No one loves u.Jike I do
No one needs u...the way I do
My dear...I luv u till eternity
Happy Valent' my love!

Tak ada yg m'cintaimu seperti diriku
Tak ada yg m'butuhkanmu sebagaimana aku
Sayangku...aku mencintaimu
hingga akhir hayatku
Met Valent'cintaku!

Without humor, life sux
Without courage, life is hard
Without love, life is hopeless
Without girl like u, life is impossible
Be my Valent' pliz?

If some thing happens n' u lose me
Please dont think that's the end,
come n' find me again
Happy Valent' honey!

Bila terjadi sesuatu & kau kehilangan aku
Jgn pernah b'pikir itu sebuah akhir,
datang & temukan aku lagi
Met Valent'kasihku!

If he only knew...how it's 2 wait 4 his call
If he only knew...how it's 2 fall...in love
If he only knew...how much I cared
If he only knew...that I'm scared lost his luv
If he only knew...that I tend 2 cling
If he only knew...that I love him
With all my heart
Happy Valent’ day!

I luv u more than anything in the world
Dont u ever go away from me
If u get away from me someday
...that day would be my dying day
Keep 2 be my Valenf...

When I grow old, many things will change
My hair..my eyes..my skin..my lips..
But nothing can change t wav I KEEP U IN MY HEART

Bila aku bertmbh tua, smuanya kan b'ubah
Namun tiada yg m'ubah cara
bgmn aku menempatkanmu dlm hatiku
Met Valent' sayangku!

2 live I need a heartbeat
2 have heartbeat I need a heart
2 have a heart I need happiness
2 have happiness I need u
I want u 2 be my valent'

Utk hidup aku butuh degup jantung
Utk memiliki degup jantung aku butuh hati
Utk memiliki hati aku butuh kebahagiaan
Utk bahagia aku butuh dirimu
Aku ingin kau menjadi valent'ku

From above an angel was sent n' her arms is heaven
Dont u know the angel is u?
Be my Valent pliz...

Seorg bidadari turun dari angkasa
Tidakkah kau tau bidadari itu dirimu?
Maukah kau jd Valent’ku...

I luv u so much!
Pliz 4give me 4 what I did!
I wont rest until I hear u say u luv me again
I want u here beside me on this Valent

Aku amat mencintaimu!
Maafkanlah kesalahanku!
Aku takkan tenang
hingga kudengar kau ucapkan lagi cintamu padaku
Ak ingin kau menemaniku di hari Valent ini

My brain is thinking of the ways 2 get u
I would go to the far reaches of the earth 4 u 2 see
how much u mean 2 me
Girl...will u be mine?
Would u be my Valent?

Otakku selalu memikirkan cara utk mendapatkanmu
Aku rela keujung dunia utk buktikan
betapa berartinya kau bagiku
Gadis….akankah kau jd milikku?
Maukah kau jd my Valent?

U will be specia!2 me, no matter what u do
4 in all creations, there is no one like u
Happy Valent' day honey!

Kau tetap teristimewa bagiku,
tak peduli apa yg tlah kau lakukan
Dari semua yg diciptakan-Nya,
tak ada satu pun yg sepertimu
Met Valent't sayangku!

I dont care how many lips u've been kiss
All I care is not 2 be ur first but 2 be... ur last
Happy Valent' day darling!

Aku tak peduli berapa banyak bibir yg kau cium
Yg kupedulikan adl bukan utk mjd kekasihmu yg p'tama
tapi... yg t’akhir
Met Valent'kasihku!

U may be out of my sight, but not my heart
U may be out of my reach, but not my mind
I may mean nothing 2 u, but u'll always be special in my life
Happy Valent', girl!

Kau mgkn m'hilang dari pandangku, tp tdk dari hatiku
Kau mgkn diluar jangkauanku, tp tdk dari pikiranku
Aku mgkn tak berarti utkmu,
namun kau slalu jd yg t'istimewa dlm hidupku
Met Valent', gad is!

If ur asking if I need u, the answer is 4ever
If ur asking if 111 leave u, the answer is never
If ur. asking what I value, the answer is U
If ur asking if I luv U, the answer is I do Happy Valent' sweet heart!

When I first saw u, I was afraid 2 talk u
When I first spoke 2 u, I was afraid 2 touch u
When I first touched u, I was afraid 2 hold u
When I first held u, I was afraid 2 kiss u
When I First Kissed u, I was Afraid 2 luv u
Now..that I luv U, i'm afraid 2 lose u
Happy Valent, my angel!

P'tama kali memandangmu, ku takut berbicara dgn mu
P'tama kali aku berbicara dgn mu, ku takut menyentuhmu
P'tama kali aku menyentuhmu, ku takut memeluk dirimu
P'tama kali ku peluk dirimu, ku takut menciummu
P'tama kali ku menciummu, ku takut bila m'cintaimu
KinL.saat ku m'cintaimu, ku takut kehilanganmu
Met Valent', bidadariku!

U've been a very special friend
So caring n so kind
U always hv an ear 2 lend n' good advice 2 mind
Happy Valentine, my best Friend!

My life is made 4 u
My soul dies 4 u
My eyes cry 2 u
My empty arms reach out 4 u
My sadness on Valent' day
Making plan 100 year within 1 year is usual
Making 1 friend who loyal within 100 year is amazing
Happy Valent', my best friend!

One between all people in the world is...
Loving U
Caring 4 U
Watching over U
Protecting U
Who... ?
Its M-E
Happy Valentine my love!

Hv a heart that never hates
Hv a smile that never fades
Hv a touch that never hurts
Hv a love from me thafs never die
So...plz be my valent ?

I'm sending U this valentine coz:
U're always on my mind
U're a friend online
Our friendship is divine
That I should stop n take t time
2 send my friend a valentine
Happy Valentine's day

Candy coated with kisses
To say .... I'm S-W-E-E-T on U
Happy Valentine’s day

Congratulations this valentine day!
U hv won't a trip from
Place : my heart me
Duration :life time
All love taxes paid
P.S. T best days of or lives
2gether guaranteed
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